Building trust

Build trust The Foundation of Successful Brands Building trust is like laying the groundwork for a robust and lasting relationship. It’s the cornerstone of successful brands, enabling them to connect with customers and create a positive work environment. Global brands or agents with global brands clients we’ve worked with have the following commonalities. Here are…

French fashion brands

French fashion brands Krayon, Inc. is excited to work with Fédération Française du Prêt à Porter Féminin to promote French fashion brands in Japan.   The Fédération, with the support of the French Fashion Committee DEFI, supports over 600 French brands. It helps those brands in France and abroad by providing operational assistance, including wholesale, financing, export,…

Authenticity and relatability

Authenticity and relatability Brand marketing will be at the centre in the coming years ahead. Brands seek more and more to nurture emotional connections with customers. This sign will be more robust.   In Japan, we see it as the shift to more authenticity and relatability, which will be the key. Influencer campaigns will take…



Localization The two events launched a new brand and held a trade show in Kyoto and Tokyo. The first one was to invite twenty-ish- guests to Ryosokuin temple in Kyoto. The other was held in Ebisu, Tokyo.   At each event, the brand shared with the guests what stories and views they had about launching…

Rethinking the value of branding

Rethinking the value of branding In Japan, many want to get an understanding of the branding. Many companies, professionals, or freelancers see the chance to respond to that and offer branding services. What about us? What is our thought? We think this way. Having the following questions is more valuable than asking someone for help.…

Three points in the cosmetic industry 2023

Three points in the cosmetic industry 2023 In 2023, the Japanese government eased the entry and movement restrictions. We are looking at the sign of active domestic and international travellers. So, what next step do we want to take in business through the COVID experience? Here are three points to understand what is happening in…

Next fashion

Next fashion If your eCommerce business grows at a faster rate, Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) is more than 400 billion yen, and the users reach more than 10 million, what would it make it happen next?   From downstream → upstream and downstream From the mass system → producing at minimum 1 item From a few months…