Two things

Two things: Those who struggle in Japan follow 100% instructions of what the global head office wants. To copy & paste their intention and apply it to the Japanese market. It isn’t the answer. But many do it.   Those who do well in Japan follow what the head office wants. However, the Japanese team…



Localization The two events launched a new brand and held a trade show in Kyoto and Tokyo. The first one was to invite twenty-ish- guests to Ryosokuin temple in Kyoto. The other was held in Ebisu, Tokyo.   At each event, the brand shared with the guests what stories and views they had about launching…

Change drivers

Change drivers Discovering change drivers in your business is vital.   Those drivers are such as: Comforting regulations Technological advances Consumers’ matureness   Some examples are: Airlines, insurance, banks, electricity, gas AI, Big data   The change drivers can be an event that leads to: change your standard change your assumption change rules of business…

NFTs market x Brands

NFTs market x Brands It’s a movement in the NFTs market that now garners lots of attention.   You witness the shift from NFTs x ownership rights to NFTs x limited goods x commercial use. Brands see it as a great chance to expand into virtual spaces. So, you’ll have more to buy, collect, rent…